
[BT下载][哥本哈根演唱会 .碟1][BD-MKV/750MB][1080P][英语][重金属王牌乐队演唱会]


众多的重金属王牌乐队中,究竟谁最能代表重金属音乐的音乐风格与精神内核呢?并不是公认的重金属鼻祖Led Zeppelin〔齐柏林飞船〕,毕竟他们还处于不可逾越的重金属发展初级阶段。也不是斐名世界的GUN & ROSE〔枪花〕,他们的音乐更多偏向浓厚布鲁斯味道的硬摇滚风格,而且他们在内讧与私生活上所耗费的精力似乎远比用在音乐创作上的更多。更不是以开创速度电吉他狂潮的VAN HALEN〔范海伦〕,把持乐队大权的主音吉他手EDDIE VAN HALEN〔艾迪范海伦〕虽才华横溢却心胸狭窄、刚愎自用,令乐队始终难成大器,试想一支出一张专辑就更换一名主唱的乐队如何一以贯之地发展保持它的音乐个性。真正的答案应该是METALLICA,至少我认为是这样。 METALLICA〔金属乐队〕,队如其名,是世界首屈一指的重金属乐队,难能可贵的是,在音乐风潮变幻多番的欧美摇滚乐坛,METALLICA一直不曾随波逐流,始终坚持自己纯正的重金属音乐风格。乐队的成员每人都深怀绝技,这也正是METALLICA仗以辉煌20余年在同时期成名的重金属乐队早已销声匿迹的时候仍然屹立于摇滚乐坛的真正原因。METALLICA是乐坛罕见的几支由贝司主导的重金属乐队,乐队极具天赋的贝司手Cliff Burton技艺非凡,成为乐队的核心人物,Burton的言行影响了乐队的每一个人,他也主导着乐队音乐个性的走向。1986年他在车祸中丧生,几乎宣布了乐队的灭亡。一名打法刚猛凌厉的顶级鼓手重金属乐队占据着非常重要的地位,DEF LEPPARD即是因为其单臂鼓手的原因,在演绎较重的作品时总是缺少一分雄壮的阳刚气息,而METALLICA的鼓手也是乐队的创始人Ulrich完全符合这样的要求。听过METALLICA的歌曲,就会发现他们的主音吉他非常的厉害,几乎每首歌曲中的大段吉他SOLO都具有非常的难度且极为耐听。最为难得的是主唱James Hetfield的超绝嗓音和唱功,James Hetfield的嗓音高亢时如钛金一般铿锵,却也有其柔和的一面

Metallica - Fan Can Six Copenhagen

Year: 2009

Genre: Metal


`We suspected that our five night residency at the Forum in Copenhagen, Denmark was going to be something special, so we invited some of our Clubber friends to the shows and asked them to help document the festivities for their fellow Clubbers.  They recorded so much footage and we had so much fun that we needed your help choosing just what would appear on the DVD!  You voted to have night number four be the be the main feature and you also picked what songs from the other four gigs would be bonus tracks.  Mix in band member interviews by Clubbers asking the questions you‘ve always had and a ton of behind the scenes footage, and it all adds up to FAN CAN SIX.  A gigantic thanks to all of YOU for making it happen!`


The Ecstasy Of Gold

That Was Just Your Life

The End Of The Line

Ride The Lightning

The Memory Remains


Broken, Beat And Scarred

Leper Messiah

Sad But True

No Leaf Clover

Suicide and Redemption

The Day That Never Comes

Master Of Puppets

Dyers Eve

Nothing Else Matters

Enter Sandman

Last Caress

Phantom Lord

Seek and Destroy

My Apocalypse: from Thursday July 23, 2009

Disposable Heroes: from Tuesday July 28, 2009

The Judas Kiss: from Wednesday July 22, 2009

All Nightmare Long: from Monday July 20, 2009

The Ecstasy Of Gold: from Tuesday July 28, 2009

Trapped Under Ice: from Wednesday July 22, 2009


Runtime: 2:17:04

哥本哈根演唱会 .碟1.Metallica.-.['09.Fan.Can.Six.Copenhagen].2010.BD.1080P.AACx264.mkv.torrent 种子下载 磁力链接